

• Digitization of museum collections: selection of equipment; types of digital copies; resolution and other parameters for assessing the quality of digitization. Three-dimensional digitization of museum collections. Role of digital curators. Challenges of funding and staff training for smaller museums. Digitization opportunities for smaller institutions. 

• VR/AR/XR applications in the museum. Interactive museum. New technologies and multimedia content: immersive content. Organization of virtual tours. Interactive technology, educational and entertainment content; using panoramic monitors, projectors, video sets. Scanning an exhibit and creating holographic images, video mapping. Storage and security of digital content. 

• Virtual exhibition: challenges and best practice. Creative Exhibitions. Exhibitions big budget and smaller, less mainstream, alternatives. 

• Accessible design as part of the new exhibition development philosophy: sharing best practices. Rethinking space; using different sensory channels; visual and tactile accessibility of exhibition items to the visitors. Label text, accessibility of the audio and interactives. 

• Gamification in Museums. Creation an app that allows visitors to visualise 3D recreations of statues, pictures; audio guide game; story-telling; role-playing; integrated adventure games and escape games; online educational games. Ways to gamify attendance to a small museum. 

• Modern research methods for audience analysis: face recognition, motion tracking, personalized content. 

• Digital tools and ways of working that help museums engage with new audiences. Who museums’ digital audiences are and what content they want from the sector. How to use social media more effectively, enabling you to grow existing audiences and learn more about how to reach new ones. Recommendations to improve museum website. Museums on TikTok: best practices. What are the best ways to train the staff to help them produce and present digital content effectively? How can digital tools and ways of working help museums engage with new audiences? 

• Active interaction with the audience in social networks. What content is really interesting to the audience? Social networks to share behind-the-scenes content, to host live events such as Q&A sessions, tours, lectures or workshops, to share educational content. 

• Digital communication, Chatbots, artificial intelligence. The latest digital storytelling tools. Chatbot based on AI. 

• The future of fundraising. Virtual world vs. real world: major fundraising trends in the virtual world. How will the way they donate money change in the future?



  • Creative digital guides. Сontent adaptation for the right audience. Voice acting by professional actors, translators, sound editors. Equipment with a limited budget. Mobile guides including audio tours combined with contemporary music.
  • Create podcasts. A subtour designed to be listened to while walking or cycling. Cooperation. Equipment: what set is needed to create. Difficulties. Distribution and marketing.
  • Creation of interactive tours for people with disabilities.
  • Modern technologies for multimedia audio guides. QR codes, offline mode. Geo-tracking.
  • Best practice of creating interesting excursions for different audiences: for the purpose of research, study for schoolchildren, students and for personal interests. Tours for individuals. Visiting certain groups upon request. Tours for the elderly.
  • Virtual tours: best practice of creating, creating online tour a limited budget. Different formats of online visits: how to choose the right one. Modern technologies for organizing online visits.
  • New technological approaches to hybrid guided tours. Online + personal visit.
  • Paid virtual museum tours: can museums really make digital visits pay? How to switch from a free tour to a paid one? Are there any other ways to get resources other than paying for the tour itself? Generate new sources of income by moving from a free model to a paid one.
  • Digital storytelling. Tips for creating engaging content with storytelling. Experience creating multimedia with a limited budget. Formats and technologies. A set of tools, programs, apps that will help create content.
  • Live broadcast in the social networks: experience in conducting. Attending the live event without registration. Tour with director, artist, actor, influencer. Special Evening Broadcast (Gala Concert, Award Ceremony, etc.). Digital Vernissage of a temporary exhibition.
  • Organization of online visits to cultural sites. Digital twin or 360° panning on a website, pre-recorded video on a website or TV channel.
  • Individual visit for therapeutic purposes. Art therapy. Programs for (remembering) or (to avoid noise or fatigue from visiting the site, agoraphobia, etc.).
  • Interactive robot-guide: the experience of implementation in museums. AI-based guide.



  • Virtual reconstruction and interactive multimedia solutions for museums, theaters, concert halls, exhibitions, architectural objects, and etc. Experience and perspectives of use. 3D model. Conservation of architectural heritage through 3D digitization. Advanced 3D modeling techniques. 
  • Restoration: new materials, innovative methods and successful creative experiments. The best practice of using advanced technologies and innovations for the conservation of architectural heritage. The problem of shortage of craftsmen with the knowledge to maintenance architectural heritage. How to evaluate the quality of restoration work?
  • Laser scanning. The use of ultrasound and other beams in rehabilitation of architectural heritage.
  • Information modeling as a method of condition monitoring of immovable monuments of culture.
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles and high-precision satellite positioning systems for constructing three-dimensional landscape models of architectural monuments.
  • Photogrammetry. Experience of implementation of the photogrammetry methods for the restoration of architectural monuments, renovation, repair and reconstruction.
  • Destruction and maintenance problems of cultural heritage. Rotting wood, dampness and many other challenges, method of combating.
  • Building resilience: climate change mitigation and adaptation. Tools for monitoring the impacts of climate change such as artificial intelligence, drones and satellite data. Seismic resistance of architectural monuments: new technologies.
  • Mapping of archaeological monuments using a geographic information system (GIS).