
  • Virtual reconstruction and interactive multimedia solutions for museums, theaters, concert halls, exhibitions, architectural objects, and etc. Experience and perspectives of use. 3D model. Conservation of architectural heritage through 3D digitization. Advanced 3D modeling techniques.
  • Restoration: new materials, innovative methods and successful creative experiments. The best practice of using advanced technologies and innovations for the conservation of architectural heritage. The problem of shortage of craftsmen with the knowledge to maintenance architectural heritage. How to evaluate the quality of restoration work?
  • Laser scanning. The use of ultrasound and other beams in rehabilitation of architectural heritage.
  • Information modeling as a method of condition monitoring of immovable monuments of culture.
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles and high-precision satellite positioning systems for constructing three-dimensional landscape models of architectural monuments.
  • Photogrammetry. Experience of implementation of the photogrammetry methods for the restoration of architectural monuments, renovation, repair and reconstruction.
  • Destruction and maintenance problems of cultural heritage. Rotting wood, dampness and many other challenges, method of combating.
  • Building resilience: climate change mitigation and adaptation. Tools for monitoring the impacts of climate change such as artificial intelligence, drones and satellite data. Seismic resistance of architectural monuments: new technologies.
  • Mapping of archaeological monuments using a geographic information system (GIS).